Friday, January 22, 2016

No Doctor Who Season 10 until 2017!

It's official, Steven Moffat will be leaving Doctor Who after season 10 - which won't air until spring 2017.

We knew Moffat was leaving, that was inevitable. Russell T. Davies, who was responsible for rebooting the series in 2005, was showrunner for four years. Moffat has been showrunner now for four years. What shocked me was the added news that there's no Who in 2016? With only one exception - the Christmas special.

Maybe it's because I'm an American that I find putting off the next season for over a year very strange. Here in the States our networks run pretty steady schedules. Even the shows from the last ten years or so that air new shows in the summer and/or that only have 10-13 episodes per season still have a steady airing schedule. (Us old folks remember back in the day when all seasons had 22-23 episodes and ran from September to about May. June through August were repeats.) 

Here in the States if you start changing a shows schedule that's usually a sign that it's not doing well and won't last much longer. I don't believe that's the case with Doctor Who. BBC stated that due to the Olympics and several specials they have this year, they decided it would be better to delay Doctor Who's next season.

BBC also made the announcement on Twitter today that Moffat's replacement will be Broadchurch showrunner Chris Chibnall.

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